Bright DIY Decor: A Sparkling Spiral Mirror!
A Sparkling Spiral Mirror! So, you're probably here because: Decor and DIY are amazing! Your house desperately needs some dazzle-up action! You saw the picture of what we're making, and knew that this was the post for you! Well, those ARE valid reasons! This post is going to guide you on how to make a fantastic spiral mirror craft. To DTCY (do this craft yourself), you will need: 36 bamboo sticks/thin paper tubes, 42 to 6 cm in length, each stick/tube 1 cm less than the other in length MANY small circle mirrors, medium circle mirrors, large-ish circle mirrors, and diamond mirrors (basically, a bunch of decorative mirrors) Optional: If you don't have all these tiny mirrors, keep some aluminum foil with you. A big circle mirror for the center measuring 12 cm in diameter Cardboard Scissors A pencil A ruler Spray paint/paint Strong glue/hot glue gun Optional: beaded string Nail and hammer (this is just for the hanging-up part) Strong string May we now: BEGIN! Step 1: Take your ...